"Increase Your Knowledge - Reading List 2022"

As we come closer to fall the more I want to cozy up with a good book by my fireplace. I  shared some of my classroom textbooks and other recommended books. Can you believe this year is almost coming to an end?

Reading List 2022

Dweck, C. S. Mindset: The new psychology of success. Ballantine Books, 2007.

  • Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? Are you looking for a way to improve your life, this book can do just that. Examples are given in this self-help book which may seem a bit redundant but keep reading because you'll definitely end with a whole new mindset, a growth mindset.      

"The Marriage of Figaro"

Bernard, Sahlins, and Nicholas Rudall. The Marriage of Figaro. Pierre Augustin de Beaumarchais, 1994.

  • This was one of my favorite books in my Humanities class. The Count tries to seduce his servant Figaro's wife Suzanne. The Countess and Suzanne have a plan to teach the Count a lesson in infidelity. It is a play well written about romance and revenge. 

Cunningham, Lawrence, et al. Culture & Values. A Survey of the Humanities. Cengage Learning., 2018.

  • In this text, in class, we learned about the times of the Renaissance, culture, and art such as the Rococo style, and the Modern World. I enjoyed the section on King Henry VIII and Queen Jane Seymour. When watching films such as The Tudors, I viewed it differently now; I have a better perception of the film during those times.      

Dalio, Ray. Principles: Life and Work. Simon & Schuster, 2017.

"Ray Dalio"

  • Success and the way to reach goals are focused on in this book. Work and relationships are meaningful he explains and money isn't always important. Reading different stories pertaining to success is what inspires me to do better.          

Griffiths, Heather, et al. Introduction to Sociology 2e. OpenStax, 2017. 

  • Learning about the different cultures and groups of our society in class has opened my eyes to the way people interact. We have different traditions and interests; in this text, you will learn and understand the effects it has on our society.           

O'Connor, Karen, and Larry Sabato. American Government: Roots and Reform. Pearson Education, Thirteen Edition, 2018.

  • From the beginning of our nation to the changes over time and how they impacted the lives of people. Also If you want a better understanding of politics or just want to know more about our country this book is for you. Our class in Political Science reviewed all aspects of politics and overall American Government.      

Machiavelli, Niccolo, and Wayne A. Reborn. The Prince. Third Norton Critical Edition, 2020.

  • How to maintain power as a ruler (Prince) is what was influenced in this book. Machiavelli's motivation was to return to politics, this was why he wrote the Prince. I believe he contradicts what he says but you can be the judge. In class, we started on chapters 15-18, I recommend you do so too to get a better understanding. Is it better to be loved or better to be feared as a ruler?      

Mowat Barbara A, and Werstine, Paul. HamletUpdated Edition, Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992. Shakespeare, William.

  • This was my second time reading Hamlet. In this play, there's tragedy and betrayal that Hamlet experiences all while trying to avenge his father's death. In this updated edition, we reviewed each act along with videos. I enjoyed it this time around with the combination of the two and highly suggest it.      

Ghost, Murder, and More Murder Hamlet Part 1: Crash Course Literature 203 (Video 12:23)

Shook, Beth, et al. Explorations: An Open Invitation To Biological Anthropology. American Anthropological Association, 2019.

  • From evolution to dating methods, analyzing fossils, and adaptation this book takes you through time. Did you know that apes are not monkeys? In the Biological Anthropology class, you can learn this and more.            

"Two Old Women"

Wallis, Velma. Two Old Women, 20th Anniversary Edition: An Alaskan Legend of Betrayal, Courage, and Survival. Harper Perennial. 2013.

  • Complaining and not contributing left these two old women in the cold winter; the tribe surprisingly left them behind. This is my second time reading this book because of the strength that is instilled in these fragile women. It's the wisdom of these women that gives such a shocking ending. It's a good read and it will not disappoint. 

In the first week of my Humanities class, my expectations were to get a better understanding of how people's lives were affected during the time of classical antiquity to the Modern World. The effects of art and architecture changed over time. Did you know Greek architectural designs were used in the United States in building the United States Capitol? My goals were to understand Humanities more clearly and be able to complete the class knowing the culture. Humanities is the study of culture, language, art, history, philosophy, literature, and religion. 

I can honestly say I completed my goals in Humanities, with the help of the blogs, class discussions, and Professor Moore. The most interesting part of the class for me was learning about the cultures of art. What I love about art, it's not just about paintings but theater and literature and so on. Art is expressed in Humanities in so many ways; I learned this in class. The next time you see art perhaps in a museum or on my blog try to view it differently, I know I do now.       


Bernard, Sahlins, and Nicholas Rudall. "The Marriage of Figaro."Amazon, 1 Nov. 1994. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00E3CORGE&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_J728CB1B6FNNETR7FMAX

Dweck, C. S. "Mindset: The new psychology of success" Ballantine Books, 26 Dec 2007.

Crash Course. "Ghost, Murder, and More Murder-Hamlet Part 1: Crash Course Literature 203" YouTube, 13 Mar. 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My14mZa-eq8&t=18s. Accessed 17 May, 2022.

"Ray Dalio" Amazon. Accessed 17 May. 2022. https://www.amazon.com/Ray-Dalio/e/B0711LQ9G4/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk. 

Shakespeare,William. "Hamlet." Amazon, 1 Jul. 1992. https://www.amazon.com/Hamlet-Folger-Library-Shakespeare-William/dp/074347712X/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=hamlet+folger+edition&qid=1652851908&sprefix=hamlet+folger%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-1.

Wallis, Velma. Two Old Women, 20th Anniversary Edition: An Alaskan Legend of Betrayal, Courage, and Survival. Amazon, 5 Nov 2013. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00BS8P9CM&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_YEMYMF5BJ84RPW7XTJQM.


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